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Showing results 346 to 365 of 1874
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- Satthamnuwong, Nakarin 1
- Schmidt, James C,ศรารัตน์ ลี้ไพบูลย์, แปล 1
- Science education department from Suranari University of technology 1
- Scientific American Incorporated 1
- Scott A. Fraser 1
- Seymour Kaplan 1
- Sheikh-Miller, Jonathan,Turnbull, Stephanie 1
- Shigetoh Miyachi, Edited 1
- Shirley Burridge 1
- Sikarin Yoo-Kong 4
- Silapunt, Rardchawadee 1
- Simon, Smiley,แปลโดย จันทร์พนิต สุรศิลป์ 1
- Skye Go Around 1
- Slavoj Cerny 1
- Solot Suwanyuen, Principal investigator Suvit Tia, Investigator Chaichot Tangsathitkulchai, Investigator Veerapong Kritpiphat, Investigator Tanong Chaiyawattana 1
- Soon Chun Hyuang University 1
- Southwest University 1
- Stein-Ivar Aarsaether--Judd Bernstein--James W. Bobo--Scott M. Brown--Peter Chatel--Carol Clayton--Paul D. Coulter--Maryanne DiBerto--Ronald DiCila--Elizabeth M. Donley--Allen Dressler--Harry Fatkin--Alfred E. Fields, Ph.D.--David C. Fuller--J. Ladd Greeno--Judith C Harris, Ph.D.--Gilbert S. Hedstrom--Robert D. Kennedy--Christopher J. Keyworth--James E. Lukaszewski--Madonna E. Martin--John Nagy--Jane E. Obbagy--Ralph L. Rhodes--Daniel Schmid--John R. Thurman--E. O. Villeneuve--Jeffrey D. Watkiss--P. Kathleen Wells--Axel Wenblad--David Wheeler--Ray E. Witter 1
- Stephen R. Turns 1
- Steven Bosuang 1